Saturday 14 January 2012


Who invented Lemonade?
Who ever it was must have been an optimist.
Same with Cranberry Juice - and wine!
Who else could take a sour nasty, rank piece of fruit and say "Hey!  I bet this would taste good if....!"

The people who first started eating cheese deserve some credit too.  Talk about positive thinking!  "Let's scrape the mold off and eat the stuff underneath!  I bet it'll be great on crackers!" 

We owe a lot to this type of thinking.  I mean seriously!  Wine and cheese!! 
We can learn a lot too.
About taking what looks like a negative and finding the positive.
I've been thinking about this a lot recently as I read the Facebook posts of friends and family who excitedly count down the days until they leave winter behind and head off on their tropical vacations.  I must admit I have a wee bit of travel envy  - and wouldn't complain about a little colour on my cheeks.  But truly - I'm loving winter!
I think a lot of people dread winter because of the snow shovelling and the cold chill down their neck - that's logical.  And who could claim to enjoy that insulting gust if wind that sends a clump of snow down the back of your neck.  BUT there is another side to winter.  The part where you get to come in from the cold and warm yourself with hot chocolate and cosy family meals.  The part where you invite friends over to watch a movie, drink tea or even better - go tobogganing!!

Believe it or not - as a stay at home mom I find winter easier than the fall.  we venture outside as often as possible.  Trystan plays while I shovel.  Loukah takes deeper longer naps and wakes up more cheerful than ever.  We have invented a game in which I shovel every last stitch of snow into a huge mound.  It's now taller than me.  I've even shovelled the lawn! lol  This is Trystans castle - or his mountain - or the scene of his most recent 'Survivor Challenge' depending on the mood of the day.  It works beautifully.  He plays delightedly and I get my exercises!  (The hardest thing to work into the day when home alone).  We go on 'snowy walks'.  Trystan rides in the toboggan behind me while I push Loukah's stroller.  We go hunting for Frosty - or seeking Santa.  If it's nice enough we go out after dark and look at the lights!

This is my lemonaid! The sweet taste of happiness in the middle of what could potentially be a very sour season.
Life is like that isn't it? A piece of juicy fruit.  You can accept it's bitter layers - or squeeze out every drop and sweeten it just to your liking!

So....are you a squeezer??


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