Saturday 31 December 2011


We have a card on our bathroom mirror that says "Love imperfectly, keep surprise close at hand, be willing to live between right and wrong".  It's been there for a long time.  The truth is I'm not sure Eric has ever read it! lol...I'm sure he has, but it's there more for me anyway.  When I first put it up I liked it - but wasn't really sure what it meant.  There was something I couldn't comprehend in the notion of living between right and wrong.  It was a foreign concept to me.  To me there had always been two categories...Right and Wrong!  I wondered how this even applied to loving as I immediately was thinking or morality AND wondered if I would really want to do that??  Thus this little pink card found its home on our bathroom mirror.

Brushing my teeth has many times become an opportunity to explore the question of "living between right and wrong" - and of course I finally have been able to look outside the moral concept to what I perceive as the bigger idea.  In the inevitable conflicts of life the question of who's right or wrong can so often bubble up.  But loving is about so much more than right or wrong.  In fact part of loving is letting go of being right.  It's about letting yourself be wrong even when you're right!  It's about forgiving others for being wrong.  Sometimes it's about letting each other think we're right when we're wrong!!  Or being wrong and laughing together about how ridiculously wrong you were!  Loving is about the human condition of vulnerability - which is fallibility.  The beauty of love is that it's safe to be who you are - and who you are....just so we're all WRONG sometimes! lol  Love is about so many moments when right or wrong doesn't matter at all!!!

It's New Years Eve and as we move into 2012 I can not think of any better resolution than to work harder at living between right and wrong.  And every day be thankful for the people in my life who teach me how to LOVE better.

Happy New Year!


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