Friday, 17 February 2012

Potty Training

So about the huge delay between blogs folks! It's been a strange month and I've found myself crawling to bed first chance I get rather than taking time to write.  There's been some good stuff happening here though! Not the least of which has been Potty Training!  Those who know me would know that this has been a nearly 1.5 year process marred with a lot of frustration.  But, in the past few weeks T man has transitioned from a hard core diaper wearer to a do it himselfer!  He insists that he doesn't want to be a "big boy", but enjoys his diaper free days!  We're getting there!  It feels great.  This has been a big learning experience for me, and as I've been thinking about it and trying to get back to blogging I've come to realise - Everything I need to know about parenting I have learned through Potty Training.

Here we go:
Potty training....
Has taught me the difference between being persistent and being pushy.
It has taught me to really listen to my child and to trust his instinct as much as mine
Potty training has taught me that some things are taught - others are simply learned. It has made me realize that certain things you can only be involved in - the big decisions are up to the child.
Potty training has taught me that I can be extreamly creative - and that creative means nothing if your child isn't interested in the goal!
You are never "in control" of the situation.  It's a team effort all the way.
Bribery is a slippery slope - in the end the reward is in the doing (believe me! this is hard to wait for but it's true)
Potty training has taught me....Patience, patience, patience
It's taught me to ask for and listen for advice in a sincere and humble manner. And that other parents are truly interested in helping ease the parenting experience.
Most of all Potty training has taught me that "s_ _ t happens" but it's usually not as hard to clean up as you think it's going to be and it happens less frquently as you learn how to manage! 
SO...relax a little, laugh a little don't take things too seriously! And when you find yourself chasing a run away terd across the floor, or cleaning up a puddle because your husband tried prematurley to teach your son "the shake" - you can rest assurd you're far from alone.

Potty Training - who knew!???


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